学会等における発表(2000 年以降)


Watanabe T., Mizushima, K., Ochiai, Y., Iwata, S., Izumiyama, S., Gaunavinaka, L., Hirakawa, K., Sawagaki, T.(2009):Addressing poverty mitigation and food security in the southern Kyrgyz by ecotourism and sustainable development. International Conference on Food Security in Mountain Countries, Kyrgyza Academy of Science, Bishkek, Kyrgyz, 11 December 2009.


渡辺悌二(2008):パキスタン北部,フンジェラブ国立公園における人間・生態系の持続性. 法政地理学会,法政大学,2008年12月8日.

Watanabe, T. and Liang, L. Y. (2008): Soil erosion studies for management of mountain protected areas: long-term monitoring in Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan, and fast assessment in Shei-Pa National Park, Taiwan. Joint Finnish-Japanese Seminar on Northern Environmental Research, Arctic Center, Rovaniemi, Finland, 3-5 September 2008.

Watanabe, T., Lamsal, D., and Ives, J.D. (2008): Imja Glacier Lake, Nepal: Is the Mount Everest World Heritage site in danger? 31st International Geographical Congress, Tunis, 12-15 August 2008.

Urushibara-Yoshino, K., Balteanu, D., Shirasaka, S., Mori, K., Watanabe, T., and Micu, M. (2008): Changes in Sheep Transhumance in the South Carpathian Mountains of Romania after the Collapse of the Socialist Regime. 31st International Geographical Congress, Tunis, 12-15 August 2008.

Watanabe, T., Devkota, S., Gautam, C.M., and Khanal, N.R. (2008): Land use dynamics in Nepal. Dynamics and Pathway of Land System Change, GLP Sapporo Nodal Office, Pre-G8 Symposium, Century Royal Hotel, Sapporo, Japan, 25 June 2008.


Watanabe, T. Activities of IYM2002 and beyond in Japan. International Symposium "The Challenge of Mountains", 27 June 2007, UN House, Tokyo.

Watanabe, T. Framework of ecotourism study for sustainable development and natural resources conservation in the Pamir-Alai Mountains. International Symposium "The Challenge of Mountains", 27 June 2007, UN House, Tokyo.

渡辺悌二: 中央アジア諸国におけるサステナビリティ.国際シンポジウム「中央アジアの挑戦と貢献」-地域研究から見えてくるもの-, 2007年6月26日,日本大学文理学部.

小松哲也・渡辺悌二・平川一臣: パミール高原(タジキスタン共和国)の氷河地形,湖岸段丘. 日本地理学会2007年度春季学術大会,2007年3月20日,東洋大学.

渡辺悌二: 登山道の崩壊はなぜ起きるのか.層雲峡温泉観光地活性化事業推進協議会「インタープリター養成研修会」,2007年3月19日,上川町層雲峡コミュニティセンター.

Watanabe, T. Sustainable land management in the Pamir, Central Asia: Research framework. International Symposia on Bio-geosphere under changing climate and environment, 19 February 2007, Hokkaido University.


渡辺悌二:中央アジア,パミール高原におけるツーリズムの現状とエコツーリズムの導入の必要性. 日本大学文理学部フォーラム『中央アジアの戦略的重要性と持続的発展を考える』,2006年12月22日,日本大学文理学部オーバルホール.

20-21 November 2006, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.

Watanabe, T. Pamir research of the Japanese group. UNU/UNEP/GEF PDF-B Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains in Central Asia, UN House, Tokyo, 30 March 2006.



Watanabe, T.: Research framework on the Pamir-Alai, central Asia by Japanese team. 2nd Regional Meeting in the framework of the GEF/UNEP/UNU PDF B , Initiative on Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains, 13-15 June 2005, Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

Khanal, N.R. and Watanabe, T. : Landslide and Debris Flow Hazards Induced by the Heavy Precipitation in Nepal Himalaya. International Symposium on Landslide Hazard in Orogenic Zone from the Himalaya to Island Arc in Asia, 25-26 September 2005, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Strez, B. and Watanabe, T.: Global climate change - the contribution of high altitude soils from Himalaya. The 20th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, 29 March-1 April 2005, Aussois, France.

Regmi, D., Watanabe, T., Sunsuke, T.: Rock Glaciers and the Lower Limit of Discontinuous Mountain Permafrost in the Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalaya. In: Proceedings of 20th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet-workshop, March 29th to April 1st 2005 Aussois, France.

橘 美由紀・渡辺悌二:北海道,礼文島の風衝地におけるガンコウランの環境適応.日本地理学会2005年度春季学術大会,2005年3月28-29日,青山学院大学.


Watanabe, T.: Comparative studies on sustainable use and management of natural resources along N-S transect of Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan-Pakistan by Japanese team. 14 Feb. 2005, UNU.

渡辺悌二:シムシャール村の自然資源保全への取り組みとフンジェラブ国立公園. 2005年1月29日,日本大学.


橘 美由紀(北海道大・院)・渡辺悌二(北海道大):北海道,礼文島における風衝地の地形および気象がガンコウラン分布に及ぼす影響. 日本地理学会, 2004年9月25日,広島大学.

太田健一(北海道大・院)・渡辺悌二(北海道大):大雪山国立公園,旭岳周辺における登山道の保全に関する研究. 日本地理学会, 2004年9月25日,広島大学.

朝日克彦(北海道大・院)・渡辺悌二・白岩孝行(北海道大):ネパール,クーンブ・ヒマールにおける近年の永久凍土の衰退??ヌプツェ岩石氷河の流動観測から. 日本地理学会, 2004年9月25日,広島大学.(日本地理学会発表要旨集,vol.66,pp.193.)

Khanal, N.R. and Watanabe, T. : Local Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in the Madi Watershed, Nepal: Issues and Challenges. International Workshop on Adaptation to Climate Change in Mountain Ecosystems: Bridging Research and Policy, 3-5 March, Institute of Global Environment Strategies (IGES), Japan.

Gautam, K.H. and Watanabe, T.: Biodiversity of tree management practices in traditional agroforestry systems in Nepali mountains. International Geographical Congress, 18 August 2004, Glasgow, Scotland.

渡辺悌二:社会貢献型の地理学の野外調査?ヒマラヤ,カラコルム,中央アジアにおける学際的野外調査の枠組みと地理学からの貢献-. 2004年6月27日,北海道地理学会シンポジウム「地理野外調査を考える」,北海道浅井学園大学.

Asahi, K. and Watanabe,T.: Paleoclimate of the Nepal Himalayas during the Last Glacial: Reconstructing from glacial equilibrium-line altitude. The 19th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, 10-12 July 2004, Niseko. Himalayan Journal of Sciences, 2(4), Special Issue, p.100.

Gautam. C.M. and Watanabe, T.: Land cover change in Himalaya with special reference to forest disturbance: A case of Bharse area, Lesser Himalaya, West Central Nepal. The 19th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, 10-12 July 2004, Niseko. ? Himalayan Journal of Sciences, 2(4), Special Issue, p.138.

Khanal, N.R. and Watanabe, T.: Landslide and debris flow in the Himalayas: A case study of the Madi Watershed in Nepal. The 19th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, 10-12 July 2004, Niseko. Himalayan Journal of Sciences, 2(4), Special Issue, p.180.

Regmi, D. and Watanabe, T.: Slow mass movement in the Kangchenjunga Area, Eastern Nepal Himalaya. The 19th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, 10-12 July 2004, Niseko. Himalayan Journal of Sciences, 2(4), Special Issue, p.227.

Watanabe, T. and Nakamura, N.: Active landslides on the lateral moraines in the Kanchanjunga Conservation Area, eastern Nepal Himalaya. The 19th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, 10-12 July 2004, Niseko. Himalayan Journal of Sciences, 2(4), Special Issue, p.273.

Khanal, N.R. and Watanabe, T.: Local Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in the Madi Watershed, Nepal: Issues and Challenges. Nepal CDM Workshop, 3-4 March 2004, Kathmandu, Nepal.


Asahi, K., Watanabe, T. and Tsukamoto, S. (2003):History of glaciations in the Nepal Himalayas and reconstruction of palaeoclimate since the Last Glacial. 16th INQUA Congress. Reno, NV, USA, 28 July 2003. (XVI INQUA Congress Programs with Abstracs, pp.156)



「山と自然のシンポジウム」開催事務局「山と自然のシンポジウム」, 2002年10月19日,松本Mウイング.

渡辺悌二:ヒマラヤ・ネパールの開発手法の功罪.「日本大学文理学部創設100周年記念・国際山岳年共催国際シンポジウム,アフガニスタン・パキスタン支援 ~援助の行き届かない"辺境山岳地帯の少数民族"へ~ 」,



Watanabe, T.: First Four-Year Progress in the Geoecological Research Project in the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area, Eastern Nepal. UNU International Symposium "Conservation of Mountain Ecosystems", 1 February 2002, UN House, Tokyo.




Asahi, K. and Watanabe, T. (2001):Late Quaternary Glaciations in the Nepal Himalayas: a Framework for Reconstruction of the Climate Changes between Monsoon and Westerlies. 5th International Conference on Geomorphology. Tokyo, Japan, 26 Aug.2001.


Asahi, K., Tsukamoto, S. and Watanabe, T.:Timing of the glaciation in the Nepal Himalayas: new attempts by absolute dating methods. International Symposium on Himalayan Environment. United Nations University. Kathmandu, Nepal, 25 Nov., 2000. (Abstract vol., pp.3)

渡辺悌二・平川一臣・松岡憲知 (筑波大学) :スイス・アルプス、エンガデイン地方の高山帯における地表面移動速度と植物群落の成立の関係.日本地理学会講演要旨集.


Asahi, K., Tsukamoto, S. and Watanabe, T. (2000):Late Quaternary glaciations in Kanchenjunga Himal, eastern Nepal: based on absolute and relative dating. Symposium on Quaternary glaciations in monsoonal asia, IGCP-415 & INQUA comission on glaciation. Chendu, P.R. China, 7 Jun.2000. (Abstract, pp.1)